Digital Assets Capital

Raise Capital for Your Project on Your Terms

Digital Assets Capital can help your company raise capital on your terms through flexible financial instruments. Use familiar payment methods to do business with the US, Canada and worldwide investors without any limits.


Access a wide range of investment and trading products from emerging companies and private funds to digitally enhanced securities.

Our Services

Companies can design an offering that aligns with their strategic goals and requirements using our personalized approach. Our comprehensive range of services includes:
Issue securities on blockchain to benefit from Decentralized Finance and Web 3.0 Innovations.
Structure tokenized offering to transform illiquid assets into tradable securities.
Access peer-to-peer marketplaces to provide increased liquidity.

Ways to Raise Capital

Digital Assets Capital facilitates several ways to raise capital.
Сhoosing the capital raising form best fitting your needs
SEC U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
OSC registration
Create your offer and token for your
Real World Asset
Primary offering
Secondary market

Reg S

  • No limits
  • Any non-US residing investors (no wealth threshold)
  • Lockup period 40 days
  • Shares can be freely tradable outside of the US; can be sold to US persons after 12 months

Reg D

  • No limits
  • Rule 506(b): Accredited investors & up to 35 other sophisticated investors
  • Rule 506(c): Accredited investors only
  • 1-year resale restriction of shares

Reg A

  • Raise up to $75M annually
  • Tier 1: $20M max
  • Tier 2: $75M max with investor limitations based on income/net worth
  • Shares can be freely traded

Reg CF

  • $5M annually
  • Anyone can invest
  • 5% max with investor limitations based on income/net worth less than $107,000
  • 1-year resale restriction of shares

Crowdfunding Bylaw and regulations

  • $1.5M annually
  • Anyone can invest
  • Non-accredited: up to $100,000 annually
  • 1-year resale restriction of shares

Canada (OSC)

  • No limits
  • Accredited investors, Family & friends, business associates
  • $30,000 annually for self-certified investors
  • 4-month resale restriction of shares

Start Raising Capital


    Company Name



    Briefly describe your business