Saint John NB Community

Total Investment: $


Max purchase:

Property Highlights

  • Expected Income


    Not including capital appreciation

  • Rent per Token

    $ / year
  • Rent Start Date

  • Token Price

  • Total Tokens

All financial statements of property yield are best estimates based on current conditions, and can change at any time.

We are targeting the above yield for investors; however, no assurance can be given that you will obtain any return on investment, and there is a risk that you can lose your entire investment.

  • Property Type

  • Full Address

    1055 Grandview Ave, Saint John, NB, E2J 4P6
  • Country

  • Source

  • Neighborhood

  • Construction Year

  • Bedroom/Bath

  • Rental Type

  • Rented?

  • Rent Subsidy?

Property Financials

  • Gross Rent / year

  • Gross Rent / month

  • Monthly Costs

    - $
    • Property Management (8.00%)
      - $
    • RealT Platform (2.00%)
      - $
    • Maintenance Expenses
      - $
    • Property Taxes
      - $
    • Insurance
      - $
    • Utilities
  • Net Rent / month

  • Net Rent / year

  • Total Investment

    • Underlying Asset Price
    • Operating Expense Reimbursement (8%)
    • Initial Maintenance Reserve
    • Initial Renovation Reserve
    • Administrative Fees
    • Miscellaneous Costs
    • Unrounded Listing Price
    • Rounding Difference
  • Expected Income


    Not including capital appreciation

Property Details

  • Lot Size (sqft)

  • Foundation

  • Exterior Walls

  • Roof Type

  • Interior Size (sqft)

  • Heating

  • Cooling

  • Building Class

  • Renovated

  • Property Manager


  • Identifier

  • Total Tokens

Gnosis Chain

  • Contract Address

  • Owner Wallet

  • Levinswap Pool


  • Contract Address

  • Owner Wallet

Test Renovation content!

Offering Details

  • Offering Date

  • Issuer

  • Min. Investment Amount

  • Max. Investment Amount

  • Amount Raised

  • Offering Percent (of Total Tokens)


Building a Sustainable Future Meeting the Housing Needs of Saint John

Saint John's Housing Challenge
  • Addressing Saint John’s Housing Crisis
  • The urgent need to more than double annual housing starts to meet the city’s population growth targets.

Current Housing Output in Saint John

  • Brent McGoven’s statement on the need for over 700 units annually.
  • Historical data showing an average of 270 units per year over the past five years.
  • Expectation of just over 300 housing starts in 2023.

Saint John's Housing Statistics

  • Saint John’s vacancy rates for different apartment sizes.
  • Comparison with other cities in New Brunswick, highlighting Saint John’s position.
  • Information on housing starts in the second quarter and average rent rates.

Strategies and Challenges Ahead

  • Andrew Reid’s insights on focusing on affordability and addressing supply and demand issues.
  • The city’s growth target of 85,000 people in 10 years.
  • Mention of Saint John’s housing action plan and potential measures like inclusionary zoning.
